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 The    of the Senior Center



We are an organization run almost entirely by member volunteers, people who serve selflessly day after day as officers, committee members, and in other assorted capacities to provide services for our community at large and to provide a place and programs for the seniors of our community to enjoy a wonderful social experience. We depend heavily on those volunteers, without whom the Center could not function and we welcome any who would care to join those ranks.


We also are thankful to the Town of Glenville for its generous support. 

If you wish to become a volunteer, call the Center at (518) 374-0734.

Sunshine Committee

Do you know a member who is recovering from an illness/operation or the family of a member who has died? Or maybe a member who could use an extra ray of sunshine? The Sunshine Club will send a card or make a phone call to let people know that they are in our thoughts and are special to us. Leave word for Lori Preddice  at the Center.

Decorating Committee

The decorating committee helps to bring color and interest to the building as people enter to participate in all our activities. They meet each month to decorate with a seasonal theme focusing on the library and the main lobby. Now that we have new rooms with our recent addition, they will expand their talents to further make the center a fun, bright and inviting place to be. 

Gardening Help Needed

We need volunteer help in the patio garden and with garden maintenance.  Sign up at the front desk if you can volunteer a few hours of your time.

Social Committee



The Social Committee is chaired by Gladys Cox. They plan and implement social activities throughout the year for the Glenville Senior community members. Activities include an ice cream social, several movie parties, outdoor game day and our upcoming annual outdoor picnic among others. Ideas and suggestions are always welcome as well as any volunteer help that one can share. We would love to meet you!

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